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How can you promote client-family funding discussions?

The Let’s Talk Money: Seniors Series can be found on the CFEE website with a link to Scotiabank’s Seniors Resource Center. It includes webinars and podcasts that seniors and their families can listen to to kick-start a range of financial conversations. Topics include retirement and living conditions, managing assets, life insurance, wills and inheritances, and power of attorney.

“I think the resources could be used to strengthen their knowledge of money matters,” Dajani said. “But, I think the uniqueness of the CFEE initiative is that it focuses on interactions within the family. It’s really about empowering them with the resources and perspectives of other seniors. There are seven senior champions who share their individual perspectives. provide how they have managed those conversations within their families.

“Seniors have told us that this type of family interaction is important, and this initiative addresses that feedback. One thing we always do is listen to what our seniors are communicating to us. They told us Told that this is an important initiative for them, so we have made it available to them.

“We want to support our senior clients to become better,” he said, “and one way to do that, I think, is of course by strengthening their financial literacy.”

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