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Franklin Templeton CEO Jenny Johnson Loves Rollerblading, Pickleball

(Bloomberg Markets) — Jenny Johnson, chief executive officer of Franklin Templeton, is expanding the 75-year-old investment company into areas including wealth management and alternative assets. Here she divulges some off-duty habits and preferences for Bloomberg TV’s Francine Lacqua, co-anchor bloomberg surveillance and host leader with lac,

What is your morning routine?

Let the dogs out, make coffee, go back to bed and catch up on email and read the newspaper.

What is your typical workout?

Lately, it’s rollerblading.

What is something you’ve tried for the first time recently?

Pickle Ball.

Who is your favorite new emerging music artist?

My daughter, Mary Bolt.

What is your preferred mode of transportation?


What’s the best book you’ve read recently?

code breaker by Walter Isaacson.

What’s the best show you’ve streamed lately?


Which is your favorite vacation spot?

My farm in Montana.

Which living or historical person do you really admire?

Benjamin Franklin.

What’s the best advice you’ve received?

Perseverance is omnipotent.

What’s the best advice you’ve given?

Everyone falls. The difference between success and failure is whether you can dust yourself off and try again!

If you were 20, what business would you get into?

Build a business that leverages the blockchain ecosystem.

what is your favorite city?

new Orleans.

Which is your favorite museum or artist?

National World War II Museum in New Orleans. The artist is Monet.

To contact the author of this story:
Francine Lacqua in London [email protected]

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