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Litigation Financing: An Alternative Investment in the Good Fight

And while the realization event for many asset classes depends on an external catalyst that may or may not come, such as an acquisition or IPO, all lawsuits are resolved through adjudication, settlement, or dismissal through a judicial process. They provide a clear way for the fund to get liquidity.

“For me, the approach to access to justice is valuable too,” says Lawrence. “Litigation finance offers the potential to increase the ability of plaintiffs to access the justice system. Often the parties we find have strong cases, but do not have access to the capital needed to pursue them in court. “

Since its launch in 2014, LexShares has leveraged its ability to move more quickly than other fundraisers by using technology from source and through opportunities in litigation funding, as well as using digitally driven workflows across the business. has been proved. With his background in venture capital, private equity and software engineering, Lorraine has been able to realize how LexShares can use technology integration with firms to enhance the experience and focus it provides to customers, as well as Can provide more flexible transactions to law firms and litigants. Those who need finance the most.

The company also has highly qualified former litigants, including a former federal prosecutor, as well as graduates of Yale and Columbia law, to evaluate the risks of the investment opportunity. They look at factors such as the legal merits of the case, whether the fact pattern aligns with the prevailing law, and the strength and track record of the legal team that is actually pursuing the case. Collection risk is also taken into account by evaluating whether the opposing side is solvent or financially stable.

“In litigation financing, you really need a team with strong legal expertise and pattern recognition capabilities to be able to mitigate the risks associated with each case,” Lawrence says. “It is important for funders to understand which type of matter they are best suited to underwrite, and which counterparties they are best suited to deal with based on their core competencies.”

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