Mackenzie campaign aims to save consultants $180 billion in pandemic
Noting that Mackenzie’s objective, which she launched last year, is to “build a more invested world of investors, advisors and Mackenzie together”, she said, “We thought it was a right time for us to go out in a big way. The opportunity was there and really encourage investors by saying, ‘If your money is in a savings account now, it’s not really working as hard as it could. So, call your advisor and put your money in the market’ get back.”
Roche noted that these pandemic savings are a global phenomenon, but Canada’s $180 billion per Canadian equates to about $6,000 they might just be sitting on.
“It’s just people thinking, top of mind, call your advisor and invest your money or get new people who haven’t really started thinking about investing, but are actually starting to invest. For these are all savings.”
Roche said Mackenzie wants to use his big voice to not only increase his name-recognition, but to help the industry and consultants. So, it’s just the first leg of the campaign, a 13-week “brand campaign”, on national TV (news, sports, and Survivor), plus YouTube and other digital platforms. It will also launch advertisements on ETFs in May and June and on sustainable investing and retirement from September to December. Netflix star Joel McHale Communitydepicted in them.
While she’s not sharing the metrics for what defines a Mackenzie “successful” campaign, Roche said she “wants investors to see the ads and go, ‘Yeah, I know who the ads are, and it made me want to see my behavior’. changed. It also made me a stronger connection with Mackenzie. So, those are the more qualitative metrics we’ll be looking at.”