Beginner Guide

The Ultimate Guide to Finding and Hiring a World Class Marketing Manager

Read more at Duct Tape Marketing, The Ultimate Guide to Finding and Hiring a World-Class Marketing Manager by John Jantsch

When You First Started Your Business, You Were Wearing everyone hat—you’re caring everyone An aspect of the company:


sales outreachAdd it to your to-do list.

administrative workIt’s not going to happen by itself.

And let us not forget that you are full time marketing directoralso.

The list of your roles and responsibilities goes on. And these things add up quickly. Most entrepreneurs suffer from the belief that they can have it all. But eventually, there will come a time when you have to accept that doing everything yourself is no longer effective.

that’s why we made The last The guide you’ll ever need to help you find and hire someone you can trust to take some work off your plate.

Signs It’s Time to Hire Someone to Help You

1. When You Think You Don’t Have Enough Time

When you pay very little attention to every other aspect of your business, your days start to get longer and longer. Your to-do list becomes more than just a list—it becomes pages. Other things tend to get put on the backburner—like your marketing efforts.

2. When you’re constantly correcting mistakes and putting out fires

When you are short of time and you are in a hurry, the quality of your work suffers. Mistakes happen—and you’re too busy fixing them instead of making things happen.

Marketing mistakes can cost your business a lot of lost revenue. When this happens, it’s time to take a step back and seek additional help.

3. When you find yourself doing repetitive tasks over and over

As a business owner, your focus should be on promoting your products/services, and managing your big picture operations.

If you find yourself working a laundry list of repetitive tasks like scheduling social media, managing clients, or preparing marketing reports, it’s time to help yourself focus on the bigger picture.

4. When your marketing efforts lack consistency

Your marketing requires constant focus and consistent effort if you want your campaigns to generate results. Writing a random blog post every two months, sending a one-off email promoting a new product, or following a content calendar sometimes—not going to cut it.

You can’t expect a garden to grow if you don’t water it.

If you can relate to any of these obvious signs, it’s time to bring on someone who can market your business on a regular basis – such as a marketing manager. It is very important to work in your spare time.

what does a marketing manager do

A marketing manager helps with a company’s daily marketing activities and initiatives.

They work on building brand awareness, managing social media, planning and implementing marketing campaigns, creating content for SEO and traffic growth, tracking and analyzing performance data, and the list goes on.

to make sure you are recruiting Right person for the job, you need to know what to look for in a marketing manager.

What is a typical day like for a Marketing Manager

Each day can be different, but some of the most common activities you can delegate to a manager are

  • Creating content to publish on your blog
  • Management and engagement with social media accounts
  • Writing newsletters to send to your list
  • Designing collateral and assets for social media
  • Writing landing page copy to support a promotional campaign

These are just some of the things that can take up a marketing manager’s day. They often wear many different hats and usually have a long list of responsibilities.

Skills to Look for When You’re Hiring a Marketing Manager

Here are 6 key skills you should look for when hiring someone in-house to help with marketing.

1. Creativity—they are creative. They use out-of-the-box thinking to brainstorm and develop strategies on how to drive growth for your business.

2. Writing—they will be responsible for creating a lot of content. It is imperative that they understand how to write for an audience that grabs their attention and connects with them on a deep level.

3. Research—they are explorers. They require solid research skills to keep pace with new trends in the industry as it relates to your business’s target audience.

4. Omni-channel and social savvy—He is a versatile marketer. They understand that the customer journey is not linear. They must know how to implement marketing strategy and tactics across all marketing channels: email, social, paid, SEO, and content.

5. Critical Thinking—They are curious and analytical. They must be able to understand and leverage data to guide marketing decisions and overall strategy.

6. Project Management—He is a project management pro. They must know how to handle and manage multiple projects and initiatives simultaneously.

What should be included in a job description for a marketing manager position?

Jobs vary depending on the needs of your company. Here is an example job description including key responsibilities and qualifications that you should include in your marketing manager job post:


  • Research and analyze customer behavior and insights, consumer trends, market analysis and marketing best practices to build successful strategies
  • Plan, create and implement strategic marketing campaigns that align with company goals
  • Organize promotional assets and campaigns for the launch of new products/services
  • Set up and maintain a tracking system for online marketing activities
  • Write content for campaigns across various channels such as social media, email and blog
  • Manage all online channels of production including website, social media pages, email campaigns and responses
  • Build, maintain and reinforce the overall brand of the organization through all means of media
  • Create and distribute content across key channels to reach new audiences


  • Proven work experience in digital marketing and knowledge of content management, creative writing, advertising concepts and vendor negotiations
  • Demonstrated experience with social media marketing, email marketing, advertising campaigns, marketing databases and analytics, and SEO/SEM
  • Knowledge of traditional marketing tools
  • Critical thinker with strong problem-solving and research competencies
  • Solid knowledge of website and marketing analytics tools
  • Highly creative with experience in identifying target audiences and planning digital campaigns that engage, inform and inspire
  • Knowledge of various Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Solid organizational skills and detail oriented
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
  • excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Ability to simplify complex information into a user-friendly format

Find world-class marketing candidates by checking out these locations

Fortunately, there are many places where marketers roam. Social media, networking sites, job boards—since most marketers have an online presence, there are many places you can find talent. Here are some places to start:


LinkedIn is a great place to start. You can also post sources for your job as well as candidates based on their title.

freelancer sites

Upwork and Fiverr are sites dedicated to hiring talent and finding jobs. You can browse profiles and reach out to people to invite them to apply for your open job. People can also find your job postings and apply themselves.

facebook group

There are many Facebook groups made up of people with specific skills (eg Content Marketers, The Copywriters Club, Remote Marketing Jobs). People often add posts about jobs to groups, and these types of posts usually get a lot of engagement.

job board

Large job boards like Indeed, CareerBuilder, or Monster are filled with candidates of all experience levels. There are also marketing job boards you can check out like VentureBeat, Crunchboard or Mashable.

interview questions to ask marketing job candidates

You should ask questions that give the candidate an opportunity to show how they think and work through problems.

What is an example of a lead-generating campaign that you would be excited to see work here?

This question gives the candidate an opportunity for on-the-spot brainstorming. This highlights what they know about your company and whether they have submitted any interviews before.

Share an example of a challenge you faced at one of your previous employers.

How a person reacts when the going gets tough or when they are stuck in a difficult situation is important. This question puts emphasis on how they handle those situations.

Onboard Your New Marketing Manager Quickly With These 3 Steps

If you want to get your marketing manager productive quickly, here are some things you can do to set them up for success:

  1. Give Them Access to Your Marketing Tech Stack—You want to be able to manage the tasks and projects your manager is working on. Giving them access to the programs and tools your team uses is critical to transparency and accountability.
  2. integrate them with your teamMost people work best where they feel ‘part of a team’. They’ll communicate better with you and your team. This is especially important for marketing roles where collaboration is key.
  3. Ask them to interview some of your best customers—A quick way for your new team member to quickly learn about your business is to learn directly from your audience and have them interview your customers.

Two things are almost always in short supply for small business owners: time and money. Is it worth spending money on a marketing manager if it frees up your time and contributes to the growth of your business?

The answer is most likely yes. By hiring a marketing manager, you can take a few things off your plate and focus on the bigger picture. Not only do you get some of your time back, but you now have someone whose main job objective is to focus on efforts that will grow your business. Pick the right ones, and your return on investment should exceed the initial cost.

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