Beginner Guide

How to engage your B2B audience with emotional marketing

Did you know emotional marketing can be up to seven times more effective for your business? When you arouse the right emotion, your Viewers are more likely to engage with your brand and possibly convert into paying customers.

If you observe socially savvy B2C companies, they focus on marketing with personality and emotion – making their brand more engaging and memorable. If only it were that easy for B2B, right? Well, it may be time to think again. study linkedin, spirit on linkedin’2022, it is shown Brands in tech that use emotional marketing claim 25% higher engagement rates than their peers.

But in a world where this style of marketing has proven to be desirable, it is still severely underfunded. This means there is a real opportunity for your business to stand out and gain a competitive advantage.

In this webinar you will:

  • Find out how emotional marketing helps brands connect with their B2B audiences.
  • Learn how to optimize your LinkedIn strategy using emotion and personality.
  • Be armed with an emotional marketing strategy that you can implement immediately.


The post How to Engage Your B2B Audience with Emotional Marketing appeared first on Sprout Social.

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