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5 Best Features to Look for

The 5 best features you should be looking for when considering WFM tools?

From the above, it is clear that the implementation of workforce management systems brings many benefits to businesses, but like everything, not all technology is created and designed equal. This requires you to research the workforce management tools that will best suit your unique business needs. To help you with this process, we have outlined the top 5 best features that should be taken into consideration while choosing workforce management tools,

1. Scheduling and Rostering Functionality

Your WFM system should enable you to efficiently and quickly schedule and roster your employees against cleaning contracts, workflows, availability and employee skill sets. You should be able to do this both manually and automatically to increase flexibility and facilitate any necessary shift swaps.

2. Easy Integration

The WFM solution you choose should be easily integrated into other systems you use, such as payroll systems, benefits administration, reporting capabilities, etc. It enhances onboarding and enables you to consolidate all the information from one place and get more tasks done faster, making the HR management process much easier.

3. Track employee time and attendance by location

Time is money, so it’s essential to track how long your employees are taking to complete a task at any given location. An effective way to do this is to ensure mobile device functionality and have a mobile app feature or time clock in your solution that will allow your employees to easily check in, track time and mark their attendance at each location . It provides valuable insight into task management and productivity that can uncover any issues or problems that may be affecting your bottom line.

4. Automated Reporting

Analytics, metrics and reporting are essential to understand what is working and what areas need improvement. Your workforce management solution should have this capability and provide you with relevant insights that you can use to make informed business decisions about workforce planning, talent management and profitability.

5. Demand Forecast

The workforce management tool you choose should allow for demand forecasting. It enables you to view historical data and make predictions for future trends and demands that may affect your business. This ensures that you can plan for and meet customer demand, and allows you to effectively manage recruitment in relation to demand, allowing you to meet the needs of your customers. .

Now you must be wondering how to find the solution that checks all the above boxes? Well, we’ve got you covered with Adapt IT’s EasyRoster solution.

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