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Bridging the communication gap in investment recommendations

“I learned that technology advisors have a lot of issues when it comes to offering investment advice, particularly around investment products, and how they can easily explain it to clients,” says Rockwood. “There was a lot of confusion with customers about that information. I thought this would be a really good opportunity to make a difference, so I quit my job and started CapIntel.”

Today, CapIntel has established itself as a trusted fintech solution for advisors, with the ability to generate intuitive views about a client’s investments and the risk profile of the client in an interactive, real-time manner. Prepares suitable customized proposals. Its value proposition is resonating with firms and companies; In the last year alone, it has partnered with Canadian names such as IG Wealth Management, Canada Life and Equitable Life.

As Rockwood explains, CapIntel supports advisors’ efforts to provide holistic wealth management and enables them to look beyond investments and into overall financial planning. They say that the solution they offer through the platform is to help advisors articulate their investment recommendations in a way that is understandable to retail clients through simple graphics and transparent metrics.

“Not every retail investor has the same level of education and sophistication when it comes to investing. And so you have to be able to understand it in a way that they can appreciate it,” he says. “Having a mix of both quantitative and qualitative information gives you a broad spectrum through which you can gauge people’s understanding of investing. and ultimately allow them to understand why you’re making a specific recommendation.”

By giving advisors access to a wide universe of financial data, investment products, indices and other information, the CapIntel platform enables advisors to interact and engage with clients in a variety of ways. For example, showing GIC versus market behavior can bring home an important message about volatility, which can be important to advisors as they persuade nervous clients to stay the course.

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