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Most small businesses stand up against most COVID restrictions

In its most recent survey of business owners, the CFIB saw the strongest calls for customers to end capacity limits, travel restrictions such as PCR limit tests and vaccine passports.

When voted on which restrictions should be lifted, nearly three quarters of small business owners (74%) agreed capacity restrictions should be lifted for all sectors.

Nearly seven in tenth (69%) called for an end to travel restrictions such as PCR testing for border crossings, and two thirds (66%) said it was time to stop requiring customers to present vaccine passports . Another three-fifths (60%) wanted to end the vaccination mandate for employees.

Business owners had mixed views on masking requirements, with 56% agreeing they should go away, and 42% saying they should stay in place.

“While there is majority support among small business owners for the removal of most COVID restrictions, it should be noted that this approach is not universal. Some business owners find that vaccine passports make customers feel safer and that some Atlantic provinces do not. In the U.S., most suggest mask rules should continue for some time,” Kelly said.

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