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How to create a segmented user experience

Your business does not provide a homogenous customer base. Unless you are an incredibly specialized service, it is likely that you have at least some type of people who benefit from your products or services.

Since these types of clients differ from each other, they will not all be won by the same type of messaging. Hence it is helpful to create unique user experience on your website that speaks to each segment of your overall customer population.

Here’s what you should do to create a more personalized, segmented user experience for your website.

Create a Target Market Persona

First things first: You need to figure out what segments of your large customer population are. There are many ways to segment an audience into different buyer personas, and it starts with data. This can be data from your CRM, email service provider, website or social media analytics.

Start looking for demographic and behavioral trends. Do people of certain age groups, genders or specific places do business with you? If you’re a B2B company, are there industries you work with often, or are there people in a particular department that speak to you, or do they hold a specific job title?

Behavioral trends can also help. Are there certain pages on your website that almost everyone visits before becoming a customer? Is there a particular email campaign that drives too many prospects to set up sales calls and eventually convert?

Finally, see how these demographic and behavioral data points overlap. Is there a specific age group that responds well to a certain section of your website? Does your social media page generate a lot of interest from people in a particular geographic area?

If possible, it’s also a good idea to do some interviews with your existing clients. Hearing directly from the source what problems your customer solves and why they chose your customer over their competitor can help you focus on some other elements of the customer personality.

Once you’ve gathered all of your information, you can create your own overall sketch of each type of ideal customer: who they are, what they need, and what they expect from you.

allow for self-identification

Now that you understand who these different segments of your audience are, you can start creating different messages and experiences for them on your website.

The easiest way to ensure that each customer ends up on the path targeted for their personality is to allow them to self-select the appropriate segments on your website. Websites do this very effectively all the time. Let’s say you own an architecture firm, and you handle both residential and commercial projects. On the website’s homepage, create a splash page with two different buttons—one for each type of project interested in them.

Each button will take the visitor to a different homepage for that specific audience, with a navigation bar that speaks to their needs (i.e. those who click on residential will see a portfolio for the homes the architect designed) is, and informational material about the process of undertaking. Home Renovation).

unique landing page design

I have already covered one example in which unique landing pages can work on your website to speak to different audiences. This is also an effective tactic when you are driving traffic to your website from ads.

Take, for example, a paid search campaign. Let’s stick with the example of the architectural firm and say that within your professional work, you have two different individuals: you work regularly with private schools and non-profit organizations. You design a Google Ads campaign targeted at private school leaders and board members. When they click on an ad, why not create a landing page specifically about your work with other schools, rather than taking them to the usual landing page for business projects?

This customized landing page is effective in quickly addressing the pain points of your unique personality. A private school’s board member may have some interest in your work for other types of commercial properties, but when they see off the bat your architect has designed beautiful spaces that meet the specific needs of a client in private education. addressed, he likely feels an immediate connection to his work. They feel seen and understood, and you immediately start building trust.

Choose Channels Based on Audience

Once you’ve captured their attention with an effective strategy for getting each segment on your website, continue to dazzle them with content that speaks specifically to their needs.

Of course, you want the gist of the content to be relevant to the audience. This means that topics filled with advice and useful information are important, rather than sales pitch after sales pitch.

but in addition to considering What you’re going to include in your content, you want to think about How You are sharing this. Usually when people think of content, they think of blog posts, but there’s more to it: podcasts, explainer videos, webinars, infographics and eBooks—there are many ways to reach your audience.

For example, did you know that video, while a popular medium with all consumers, is even more effective with baby boomers? You might be surprised to learn that they watch 10 percent more videos on YouTube than Millennials. Meanwhile, Millennials and Gen Xers outpace Boomers and older generations in podcast listening.

So when you want to offer different types of content to each segment of your audience – because no one wants to be greeted with the same content format over and over – think about the ways in which you can create certain types for specific types. material can be bent. Persona

Invest in Hub Pages

Hub Pages do great at organizing the content on your websites. In addition to giving you great SEO juice and revitalizing old content, it can also instill thought leadership in specific areas that are important to your various individuals.

Let’s return to the example of the architect. If you know that your commercial clients are primarily in the private education and nonprofit worlds, it makes sense to create hub pages around those two areas. A hub page may be aimed specifically at that private school’s audience and may include content that addresses fundraising and budgeting for major capital improvements, planning its construction around the school year, and a modern education building. Talks on topics like grooming which is what today’s parents are looking for. ,

Different segments of your audience will have different needs and expectations when it comes to what they are expecting to get from your business. By identifying these different buyer personas and creating unique customer journeys for different groups, you have a better chance of directly addressing pain points, building trust quickly and efficiently, and driving new prospects toward sales even faster. Is.

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