Business Ideas

Innovation and startups: Apple is now the world’s No. 1 smartphone ahead of Samsung

It was only a matter of time before Apple ousted Samsung from its platform as the world’s largest smartphone vendor in terms of volume. Indeed, the news was announced by IDC, but has been confirmed by Gartner, saluting a stellar performance from the Cupertino company, which literally crushed the market shares of Samsung and the competition with its iPhone 12. Is. company. 2020 has been a beautiful year for Apple!

Apple beats Samsung

The information was first announced by IDC. But in the absence of reliable data from press organs specializing in this area, we have refrained from communicating on the subject.

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New iPhone 12 – Photo Credit: Apple

But it’s done now! Thanks to a colorful and exciting fourth quarter of 2020, Apple ousted Samsung from its No. 1 spot in smartphones. In fact, Apple may in fact have surpassed the 79.9 million iPhone trio worldwide. Clear growth of over 15% in one year, with 10 million more units sold.

At the same time, Samsung would have managed to sell only 62 million units. 70 million during the same period (Q4) in 2019. Sales are down 11.8% in one year.

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Manufacturers’ market share and sales – Photo Credit: Gartner

The logical result, with an estimated market share of 20.8%, Apple replaces the number. While Samsung follows with 16.2% market share. However, it is Huawei’s vertical fall that comes as a surprise, as the Chinese now represent only 8.9% of the smartphone market. Or a market share equal to Xiaomi.

Huawei the cursed child of the smartphone market

We note that Huawei sold 42% fewer smartphones in 2020 compared to 2019. This is especially because of the restrictions imposed by the White House on the Chinese smartphone maker.

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