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Blackstone tells US employees to stay away from boosters

(Bloomberg)—Blackstone Inc. is requiring US employees to get Covid-19 booster shots to work in the office, joining Wall Street firms in recent days to ramp up pressure on its workforce and test more .

The world’s largest alternative asset manager told employees they should get boosters “as soon as possible,” a spokesman said on Wednesday. He said office workers would need to be tested on site thrice a week.

Wall Street is grappling with a surge in Covid infections driven by the highly contagious Omron variant, which has planned to get people back at their desks. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said late last month that it requires booster and doubling tests for office workers. Citigroup Inc. is threatening to fire unvaccinated employees this month.

Meanwhile, Bank of America Corp. is donating $100 to local food banks and hunger-relief organizations for every US employee who registers their COVID-19 booster.

This week, JPMorgan Chase & Co CEO Jamie Dimon warned vaccine holders in New York that they won’t be able to work in the office — and that “we’re not going to pay you for not working in the office.” ..”

Last year, Blackstone told US professionals to return to their offices full-time by early June. But when Covid cases skyrocketed across the country towards the end of the year, the firm allowed employees to work from home. 18 this year. The company recently pushed back the comeback in January. 28, the spokesman said.

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