Business Ideas

Innovation and startups: Apple sold 23 million Macs in 2020, a historic record

2020 won’t be an easy year for the tech giants, who have seen their revenue melt like snow under the sun. There are many reasons for this decline in their income. Especially in the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, the health crisis that has rocked the world so far. Apart from these gray aspects, some actors stood out from the crowd. Like Apple, which thwarted all forecasts by selling at least 23.1 million Macs in 2020. including 7 million during the last two months of the year. never before.

Apple breaks sales record

So by then the 5th largest seller of computers, Apple managed to extricate itself from its historic fifth position to climb to fourth place on the platform of the largest sellers of working machines in the world.

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Apple’s Mac Pro used by Lunar Animation for Jumanji’s special effects – Photo Credit: Lunar Animation

The figures speak for themselves. Apple will have sold no less than 23.1 million Macs in 2020. As shown by data from market metrics analysis firm IDC.

However, although the sharp increase in Mac sales is already surprising, what is even more surprising is the number of units sold in the last two months of 2020. A total of 7 million Macs, in just two months. Peculiar figures that have never been recorded since the creation of Apple.

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This is a clear increase of 49% in sales in one year. between 2019 and 2020. Only Acer was able to do almost as much better with a 48% jump in sales. Apple now weighs 8% in the computer market.

How to explain this explosion of sales?

Two factors may explain the reasons for the explosion in Mac sales in 2020. And especially at the end of the year. Already the coronavirus pandemic is forcing people to stay at home. As a result, telework is now the norm in areas that allow it. And for work from home you have to invest in new machine.

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With Apple being reliable, it makes sense that more and more users and consumers are turning to its hardware solutions.

Then who says material M1. The chip launched by Apple last year and that gives Intel and AMD a headache.

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