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Innovation and startups: he found himself with an overdraft of 42,000 euros after the “instant transfer” scam

While banks are doing everything possible to make their infrastructure more secure, hackers and black-collar thieves hiding behind their computers are constantly looking for new ways to snatch euros from poor citizens. This is especially the case with this young student who, after the “immediate transfer” scam, found himself with an overdraft of 42,000 euros. A huge amount which he will still have to pay.

girl in debt till the neck

In La Rochelle, a student noticed a large overdraft taken out after receiving a notification from his bank warning him that his overdraft limit had been exceeded.

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Bank – Photo Credit: Pixabay

She would have been the victim of an “immediate transfer” scandal, which was widespread at the time. And it was only after examining the transactions that he noticed the large overdraft that he had allegedly subscribed to.

victim of a loved one

The facts mentioned here are from early November. Indeed, a young student client from the CIC branch of La Rochelle sought help from the Banque-Infos-Ricures (BIR) association. Those who had once seized the file preferred to disclose it to inform those who are still unaware of the existence of such questionable practices.

According to Banke-Infos-Recourses (BIR), the young student was robbed by an acquaintance of hers. In fact, the scammer may have deposited into the account of a young woman whose name we will keep silent for obvious reasons, two checks totaling 88,000 euros.

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Banknotes – Photo Credit: Picpedia

Following which, he went to the agency a few days later, and provided with the bank details of his victim to ask transfer to another account, Only, if the establishment has received two checks, one of them was rejected due to lack of sufficient balance to conduct the operation. As a result, he transferred an amount in excess of the original 88,000 euros along with the stolen bonus, which the bank deducted and debited from the victim’s account.

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