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Ways to Make Valentine’s Day Easier for Single Clients

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. For paired customers, it’s a reminder to appreciate what they love most. But what if your client is unmarried, recently divorced, or a spouse has died? For them, this partner-centric day is often extremely painful. Many people want to hide from advertisements of eyed couples or displays of diamonds and hearts. You may think it’s best to say nothing (as if they didn’t already know) to avoid “reminding them of it”. But the fact is, when you name reality and reach out to customers on a painful day, you really set yourself apart from others.

One way to make a long-term impact with Widow clients, provided that it is safe to do so with the COVID-19 situation in your area, is to invite them to a Valentine’s Day brunch and ask them to invite Widow friends. Is. , Then do it properly. Arrange it with a good meal, an attractive centerpiece and attentive staff, so they feel pampered. When setting up space, print out the questions and place them on each table for discussion. Examples of questions: How did you and your spouse meet each other? State the one thing that you value most about your spouse and the one thing that drove you crazy. What is the one good thing someone said to you after the death of your spouse that inadvertently hurt you? What is one thing that you want other people to know what this experience is like for you?

Welcome attendees to the door and make sure everyone has name tags. When everyone enters and sits down, say to the welcoming group that you know Valentine’s Day can be difficult and you hope to bring a little connection and joy. Point out questions and invite someone at each table to choose a question to start the discussion so they can share with others who understand what it’s like, and then to move on to other questions as they eat and allows time. Remember, sad people want to talk about their experience, they want to say names and tell stories. It is healing, especially in support of others who share their experiences. You might be surprised at the free flow of conversation, even between people you’ve never met before!

After the meal is over, thank everyone for coming and encourage them to trade contact information and keep in touch with the people they’ve met. Tell them you’ll contact them in about a week to see what they like best and if they have suggestions on how to improve next year’s event.

As your guests leave, give them a small token such as flowers or a small four-pack of chocolates. (Or combine the two ideas by giving them a chocolate flower!) Then, of course, approach them and take their response seriously.

A less involved possibility, which you can do regardless of COVID, is to send a card with a small gift to all of your single or single-re-customers. Of course, if you organize a brunch for widowed customers, you won’t do the same for those who attended. Yet you can do this to reach people who may not be your other singles—or singles—re-involved. Depending on the situation, the text may read something like this:

  • “No gift can compensate for Jim’s absence. Still, I hope you can enjoy some chocolate from someone who cares. We’re thinking of you today.”
  • “A single rose in memory of Karen. Her love for you and many others will live on in our hearts forever.”
  • “The first Valentine’s Day after a divorce can rub the wound raw. Perhaps with a gift card attached, you can direct your appreciation to someone who has been by your side through it all, together with a favorite coffee shop.” To go in and talk and say thank you. We are here for you both today and in the future.”
  • “It can be a tough day to be single. Yet as we all express our gratitude to the important people in our lives, we want you to know how much we appreciate you. We hope that These chocolates will make you smile, and we look forward to the next time we cross our paths.”
  • “Sometimes you have to be your own Valentine. We hope you can use the attached gift card to treat yourself to something that will make you smile! We are there for you in every ups and downs of life.” are here.”

When your customers are grieving, it is not your silence that will be impactful and comforting, but your sincere recognition and heartfelt compassion for their situation. Many of his friends don’t even know how to fulfill that role. When you do, your customers’ trust and loyalty increase, and just think about what they tell friends and family about a financial advisor, who care enough to organize a Valentine’s Day brunch or send them gifts. does!

Amy Florian is CEO of CoreGenius, combining neuroscience and psychology to train financial businesses in how to build strong relationships with clients through all of life’s pitfalls and transitions.

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