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Canadian entrepreneurs leaving Canada due to COVID lockdown, says Northland CEO

While he said Ontario is in a very different place, things are returning to normal in Florida, Arizona and Texas.

“It’s like real estate: location, location, location,” he said. “Very different life going on.”

While Costa Rica has Omicron, people take ivermectin for horses or vitamin D or zinc or stay at home when sick. Some wear masks; Others don’t. But, he added, “it’s more like life from two years ago.”

The government is not allowed to shut down businesses because it takes away people’s rights, and Salzer argued that “you need political will” to turn around the Canadian business pandemic lock-down.

“We have governments of different political stripes and territories – federal, provincial and municipal – restricting people’s movements and taking away a lot of individual rights and liberties. People can’t operate businesses, and you see a lot of Businesses are suffering the consequences. They are closing down permanently. There have been huge job losses, especially in the service sector,” he said, noting that his family’s long-term Hamilton restaurant could close. Government handouts are not enough to compensate.”

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