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Sustainable finance is on the rise but do we have the skills to deliver?

Toronto Finance International (TFI), the United Nations-organized Financial Center for Sustainability (FC4S) and Deloitte Canada partnered on a new report titled ‘Leaders in sustainable finance: a case for developing critical financial skills and competencies in Canada’.

The report found a shortage of ESG skills with 68% of respondents saying their firms are affected by it; 85% said the effect was moderate to significant.

The importance of developing these skills was universally acknowledged, with 90% of respondents saying sustainable finance was either central to most of the work they do, or playing an increasing role.

Jennifer Reynolds says, “With Canada committing to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, the demand for professionals skilled in environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues will continue to increase, but this demand will outpace the current availability of talent. crossing over.” President and CEO of TFI.

skill-up time

The ESG and other sustainable finance skills shortages now need to be addressed, with increasing stakeholder pressure and regulatory requirements.

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