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Brain health in the hybrid workplace model

“When we’re in a virtual meeting we don’t get all the cognitive stimulation and social cues that our brain needs. Being around a desk, I can see someone, I turn my head, I literally My body changes; my whole mind is redirected to pay attention to that person. I know when to do so because I get this complex sensory set of cues. And, of course, you do most of it in a Zoom meeting lose.”

zoom fog

When meetings are entirely on the video platform, half of the people in their Zoom meetings are probably working on their email, he says, “totally, cognitively incapable of multitasking. [there are] Lots of cons about remote work from a brain-health standpoint.”

For some people, the shift to working full-time from home is a godsend, says Mahnke, especially when it comes to productivity.

“As much as an extrovert may love coming to work and engaging and all that social stimulation, a lot of people have jobs where they really don’t want their coworkers to cuddle up with a cup of coffee and ask them how the Mets did. Did last night, they’re just trying to get their work done. A lot of people are saying, ‘It wasn’t a disaster to be able to focus on my work for eight hours while I’m at home. And that’s for sure’ Wasn’t a disaster I saved two hours commuting. So with hybrid work, how can we capture as many of those pros from a brain-health perspective and avoid as many cons as possible? ?

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