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Tribute to Robert F. Sharp, Jr.

sad, flesh of trusts and estates The Editorial Advisory Board of Philanthropy Committee, Robert F. Sharp, Jr., died suddenly on Feb. 4.

Robert was a nationally recognized expert in the fields of philanthropy and charitable donations. their participation Trust and estate were priceless, Her bi-monthly columns for the magazine were hits on emerging trends and issues that caught the attention of the media and others in the industry. He had a keen eye to identify what was coming under the pike. For example, in one article, he discussed the rise of “affluenza” and how to deal with it—and this was before the college admissions scandal made national headlines. He was also very interested in the motives behind giving to charity and was convinced that it wasn’t just to get a tax break—in fact, he was quick to point out that people donated money to charities before there was an estate tax. Was doing.

Robert also helped keep the charity committee full of knowledgeable experts. He knew a lot of people who worked in different areas of the area and was kind enough to introduce me to them. They looked for individuals with different skills and backgrounds. Several members of our committee are on our board today because of Robert’s introduction.

He was also a man of honor and integrity – a real “mensch”. I remember the first time I had her in person, soon after I started trusts and estates, at a philanthropy convention in New York City. He had already told me that he would be speaking and invited me to attend the conference and meet him for coffee. I agreed to leave and then searched the agenda for the conference to see what session he would be speaking at. I did not get his name in any session that day. Then I glanced at the name of the luncheon keynote speaker: it was Robert. He was too polite for me to mention that “little” fact. When we met for coffee, he was full of suggestions on topics we should cover trusts and estates, I could barely keep up with him as I wrote down his thoughts on my notepad.

He was, unsurprisingly, highly respected by his fellow philanthropy committee members. Committee member Chris Wohrley shared the following: “It was a privilege to have known Robert for decades. His advice was always wise and the friendship was priceless. What a wonderful teacher and advocate of philanthropy.” Similarly, committee member Jonathan Tidd said, “Bob Sharpe was a good friend. Not only was he a giant in the gift planning community, but he was also a gentle, good human. I will remember him as many, many.” Other people will.” Exactly my feeling and trusts and estates Editorial staff as well.

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