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The goal is to grow a flourishing business from Paralympian to consultant

“I have to read the text from left to right, top to bottom, so I am reading every detail of the text,” he said, adding that “in many cases, many of those charts are not clearly written. , so I had to guess what they were trying to say based on my understanding of what was happening around me and apparently in some cases relying on people with some vision.”

Even the CFP exam was a challenge as he was assigned a writer he had not previously worked with and had no financial background. Chin also had to teach the scribe to use a calculator just before the exam. “It’s like asking your neighbor,” he said. “They won’t have a clue.”

Even though he’s had some rough days, Chin has retained his sociability and sense of humor. “I’ve always had to work harder than my compatriots I’ve seen,” he said. “But, it’s the Olympic spirit that brings it out: If you want success you have to work hard, you have to push strong. You don’t go to the Olympics to come fourth. You don’t go to the Olympics to win gold.” are taken, and I live it every day.”

How does he translate this into his practice?

“I’m focused on growing my practice. I don’t want to win gold by any means, but I can be the best advisor to my clients. That’s what my focus is,” Chin said of his top-notch service delivery. Reiterating the commitment, he said.

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