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Young consultant looking for succession planning consultant to grow his $40m business

“I’m focused on growing my practice. I don’t want to win gold by any means, but I can be the best advisor to my clients. That’s what my focus is,” Chin said of his top-notch service delivery. Reiterating the commitment, he said.

Increasing digitization has helped him in a paper-dominated industry, although he said his screen readers are as good as his programmers. They have hired staff to provide visual aid, although this has increased their expenses. Like a Paralympian in training, he’s constantly on the move.

“I’ve reached a point where I’ve made good progress,” he said, “and I think I’ll continue to be successful.”

Chin has also found that clients don’t shy away from her, and other consultants solicit her expertise in a variety of areas, including Registered Disability Savings Schemes (RDSPs) and tax credits.

He has around 1,800 customers, some of whom have RDSPs he has experience with. Even though he notices that his vision is diminishing a bit, he is incorporating his business and begins reaching out to other mentors who want to join him for a safety net and good coaching.

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