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Emoney Advisor CEO Ed O’Brien takes on new role at Fidelity

Emoney Advisor CEO Ed O’Brien is accepting a new position as head of technology at Fidelity Institutional and relinquishing his role as CEO by the end of March, according to a social media post confirmed by a Fidelity spokesman. Will give O’Brien has led Emoney Advisors for nearly six years, the financial planning software development firm acquired by Fidelity after it was bought in 2015. Susan McKenna, EMoney’s head of marketing and business development, will serve as interim CEO, and O’Brien will remain on EMoney’s board.

As head of technology at Fidelity Institutional, O’Brien will return to some familiar territory. He ran advisory technology at Fidelity for more than a decade before taking on the role of CEO at eMoney, where he covered everything from screen scraping to API-based account aggregation, new predictive technologies, and eMoney’s first mobile app, called Incentive. Guided the firm through the ongoing transition. , Fidelity Institutional serves advisors, wealth management professionals and institutions.

O’Brien called his tenure “an amazing period of growth and development”.

“Working with such a talented and committed team at Emani has been a true highlight,” he said. “We have innovated, strengthened and grown our products, our business and our company. I cannot be too proud of the incredible progress we have made,” he wrote.

O’Brien will be in the familiar company at Fidelity Institutional. Jess Liebery, former Head of Product at Emoney Advisor, joined Fidelity Institutional last month, where she heads platform technology.

McKenna joined the firm in 2017 as Head of Marketing, taking over three decades of experience in SaaS marketing, according to a press release detailing the new hire.

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