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Investing in Human Capital | money management

Business leaders often say that a company’s employees are its most important asset. However, accounting practices treat human capital as an expense or, in many cases, as a future liability.

Unprecedented research into irrational capital shows that organizations that manage human capital by focusing on internal motivating factors – such as pride, purpose, belonging, excellence, etc. Can create additional value for shareholders.

In this webinar, join Christoph Gleich, President and CIO of Harbor Capital, and renowned behavioral economist Dan Ariely, Co-Founder and Partner at Irrational Capital, as they discuss:

  • Incorporating behavioral science into equity research
  • The link between human capital and equity value
  • key drivers of corporate culture
  • Translating behavioral data into actionable investment insights

CFP, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, RMA®, and AEP® CE credits have been applied for and are pending approval.

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Christoph Gleich
President and CIO
Harbor Capital

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Dan Ariely
Co-Founder and Partner
irrational capital

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Douglas M. Yones, CFC – Moderator
Head of Exchange Traded Products
New York Stock Exchange

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