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CI Global Asset Management expands thematic ETF roster

He continued, “With cDNA and CBUG, we continue to expand CI GAM’s broad lineup of thematic ETFs, having launched ETFs focused on cryptocurrency, emerging markets, technology and climate change over the past 12 months. And these and other new orders, including the CI Beta suite of passive ETFs, demonstrate our commitment to being the leading provider of quality ETF solutions in Canada.

Ratnavel said that with $15.1 billion in assets under management and the widest selection of 78 passive, smart beta and actively managed mandates, CI GAM’s fund lineup is the largest and most comprehensive in Canada.

The CI Bio-Revolution ETF is designed to track the price and performance of the Selective Global Genomics Immunology and Medical Revolution CAD Hedged Index (NTR), offering customized exposures to firms that have the potential to be deeply modified by genetic and biotechnology developments. have capacity.

In addition, cDNA invests in firms that profitably align with advances in health care goods, genetics, life science tools and analysis, cancer treatments, and vaccine discoveries, as well as other areas.

The CI Digital Security ETF supports focused exposure to companies that are at the cutting edge of strengthening and defending networks and systems against cyber threats. The intention of the CBUG is to track the price and performance of the Selective Digital Security CAD Hedged Index NTR.

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