Marketing Info

sustainable or profitable? it’s getting harder to separate them

Seven out of ten respondents said that building sustainability is a top priority for its board.

Vito Mabruco, Head of Global Marketing at NTT, said, “As the global population shifts its focus to the health and wellbeing of people and the planet, we have seen a renewed commitment from organizations to implement and advance sustainable business practices. ” “At the same time, people’s health versus benefit’s health is not a one or one decision; sustainability and profitability are becoming mutually binding.”

The pandemic has certainly played a major role in the change in mindset of companies; 47% of respondents said that the past two years have increased the importance of sustainability goals.

Despite this corporate desire to achieve stability, doubts remain among investors, for example – how responsible investing can boost returns.

How Sustainability Is Growing Profits

The research also reveals how companies are improving their bottom lines by embracing sustainability.

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