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Social media demographics to inform your brand strategy in 2022

Looking for the latest social media demographics for 2022?

You have hit the jackpot.

The importance of a data-driven social strategy cannot be overstated – up-to-date demographics are vital for marketers

Because the social space is constantly evolving. With more networks available than ever, you need to spend your time and budget wisely. In particular, you should pay attention to where your customers are.

And while you might think you know which networks matter most to your target audience, the 2022 numbers may surprise you.

Social Media Demographics: The Numbers You Need to Know

From choosing your preferred platform to conducting market research, demographic data is the key to understanding which networks and campaigns deserve your attention.

Want to know what apps are coming? Curious about new opportunities to cross-post your content? Worried that a network is “dying?”

we’ve got you covered.

Below is our list of what you need to know about social media demographics for 2022 (and beyond). These numbers are based on the latest research and social media statistics Available at the time of writing.

And as an added bonus, we’ve also highlighted strategic takeaways for each network to guide your social marketing strategy.

  • Facebook demographics and usage
  • Instagram Demographics and Usage
  • TikTok demographics and usage
  • Twitter demographics and usage
  • LinkedIn demographics and usage
  • Pinterest Demographics and Usage
  • Snapchat demographics and usage
  • YouTube Demographics and Usage

More resources for audience information

With these demographics to inform individuals and targeting, check out these guides to refine your process:

  • Step-by-step how to effectively plan your social media campaigns
  • The most important social media metrics to track
  • How to define and reach your target audience on social media

Facebook demographics and usage

  • Monthly active users: 2.91 billion
  • Largest age group: 25-34 (31.5%)
  • Gender: 43% female, 57% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per day: 33 minutes

The Takeaway from Facebook Demographics for 2022

  • Despite ongoing controversies, “preachers” and emerging competition, Facebook Still remains the largest social platform between consumers and marketers.
  • Note that time spent on Facebook has actually fallen (from 38 minutes per day to 33 minutes) despite an increase in overall social media usage over the past five years.
  • Facebook’s user growth rate has slowed, with only 0.8% change growth during 2021.
  • Following on from last year’s social media demographic data, younger consumers continue to flock to TikTok and Snapchat versus Facebook and Instagram.
  • Ad revenue continues to rise regardless of the gloom and doom about reach – it highlights how Facebook ads are a major part of mass marketing.
Platform i US Social Network User Growth By 2020 and 2021, Facebook social media usage is growing by less than 1%.
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Instagram Demographics and Usage

  • Monthly active users: 2 billion
  • Largest age group: 25-34 (31.2%), with 18-24 trailing at 31%
  • Gender: 48.4% female, 51.8% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per day: 29 minutes

Key Points from Instagram Demographics for 2022

  • The platform has quietly grown its user base to 2 billion within three years, a staggering figure that proves Instagram’s staying power.
  • As younger users migrate to TikTok, it’s probably fair to say that Instagram is no longer a “hip” network in the eyes of today’s teens.
  • That said, Instagram keeps a strong hold on Gen Z and Millennials – these groups make up about two-thirds of their base.
  • Recent Instagram statistics and new shopping features (like Drops) point to the platform’s move to become an e-commerce hub.
  • The reels are popular, but they didn’t stop TikTok’s momentum in 2021—the platform continues to drive influencers away from Instagram.
Bar chat showing the number of monthly active Instagram users from 2013 to 2021.
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TikTok demographic data and usage

  • Monthly active users: 1 billion
  • Largest age group: 10-19 (25%)
  • Gender: 61% female, 39% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per day: 89 minutes per day

Key points from TikTok demographics for 2022

  • The popularity and growth of TikTok is phenomenal (~10x more users since our previous social media demographic breakdown).
  • Not only is the user base booming, but so is the activity – users are spending around 90 minutes a day on the platform.
  • Fact: Nearly 40% of Gen Z’s say that they are directly influenced by the products they see on TikTok and brands should take note of it.
  • As more and more brands come on board, we are seeing influencers do the same.
  • TikTok is rapidly growing and “mature” to meet the needs of its users, including more advanced advertising and CRM integrations.

Twitter demographics and usage

  • Number of daily active users: 211 million (up from 187 million)
  • Largest age group: 18-29 (42%)
  • Gender: 38.4% female, 61.6% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per day: 31 minutes

The Takeaway from Twitter Demographics for 2022

  • Twitter usage and growth has been pretty consistent from year to year, although its user-base is clearly getting younger these days.
  • Despite recent growth (up from 187 million users last year), research predicts that Twitter will lose about a million users to other platforms over the next five years.
  • A third of Twitter users are college-educated and earn more than $75K annually, highlighting the platform’s highly educated and high-earning base.
  • Twitter’s position for discussing events and gathering breaking news makes it a prime place to share content and drive discussions, but advertising is still tricky.
  • While Fleets failed, the renewed interest in space could breathe some new life into the platform.
Twitter social media demographic and usage data for 2020-2025.
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LinkedIn demographics and usage

  • Monthly active users: 810 million
  • Largest age group: 25-34 (58.4%)
  • Gender: 48% Female, 52% Male
  • 63% of LinkedIn users access the network weekly, and 22% daily

The Takeaway from LinkedIn Demographics for 2022

  • Conventional wisdom might say that LinkedIn specifically caters to an older audience, but now Millennials dominate the platform.
  • LinkedIn reportedly experienced record revenue, driven by the growth of the platform and increased interest in new jobs during COVID-19.
  • The platform’s demographic of high-earning B2B professionals makes LinkedIn a potential goldmine for ads.
  • According to LinkedIn, it is the top-rated social network for lead generation, making it a great source for B2B marketers looking to find targeted and motivated audiences for their campaigns.
  • Given that only 180 million (25%) of LinkedIn’s users are located in the US, the platform has a wide international reach.
LinknedIn Worldwide Demographics
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Pinterest Demographics and Usage

  • 431 million monthly active users
  • Largest age group: 50-64 (38%)
  • Gender: 78% female, 22% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per day: 14.2 minutes

Key points from the Pinterest demographics for 2022

  • Although Pinterest is largely considered female-dominated, the platform saw an astonishing increase in male users during 2021.
  • The platform’s core user base of 400+ pinners remains stagnant (and ad revenue is actually up from where they were a few years ago).
  • Pinterest is probably the most production-focused of any social network, indicating huge opportunities for ads (hint: 45% of Pinterest users have a household income of $100,000+).
  • Shopping-focused organic content is also fair game—nearly 70% of users say they trust Pinterest and it’s their favorite place to research products.
  • Pinterest’s social media demographic data is unique because their users are almost equally divided age-wise – 18-29 (32%), 30-49 (34%) and the largest demo is 50-64 (38%). Interesting crowd!
Pinterest's Social Media Demographics for 2022
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Snapchat demographic data and usage

  • Monthly active users: 319 million
  • Largest age group: 15-25 (48%)
  • Gender: 54.4% female, 44.6% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per day: 25+ minutes

Takeaways from Snapchat Demographics for 2022

  • Although Snapchat may not be the most talked about or “trendy” network, the platform saw growth during 2021.
  • Snapchat is still huge with the younger crowd, although it recently lost its top spot as the teen go-to network.
  • Even if you’re not active on Snapchat, it’s a prime place for trendspotting and finding out what young consumers want.
  • With 57% annualized revenue growth (breaking the $1 billion barrier), Snapchat isn’t going anywhere just yet.
Weekly social media use among US teens in 2022
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YouTube Demographics and Usage

  • Monthly active users: 2+ billion
  • Oldest age group: 15-35 (highest reach)
  • Gender: 46% female, 54% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per session: ~30 minutes

Highlights from YouTube Demographics for 2022

  • YouTube’s popularity among younger users highlights the ongoing, long-term shift toward video content.
  • Marketers note that YouTube is still a land of opportunity ad-wise, seeing it as a place to spend its ad dollars in the future against the likes of Facebook (hint: YouTube’s ad revenue grew 43%).
  • This revenue growth indicates the platform’s impact not only as a social network but as a go-to streaming service.
  • Considering that 62% of YouTube users log into the platform daily, the platform has had no issues with engagement and retention.
  • Nevertheless, most users claim to use YouTube for entertainment rather than for finding brands and products. Brands still have a lot of work to do on the platform to find a balance between entertainment and advertising.
Video apps in the US show more YouTube usage data on average hours per user per month than Netflix, Twitch, Hulu and Amazon Prime Video.
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Is social media demographics part of your strategy?

Keep in mind that this data is generalized across billions of users and serves as a starting point for brands prioritizing their social platforms.

If you’re looking to expand your reach, we recommend that you look at demographic data from your own social presence and see how it compares to the above average.

Whether these numbers confirm what you already suspect or serve as an eye-opener, be sure to bookmark them to advance your social strategy for 2022.

And speaking of which, be sure to check out our free social media templates to keep you organized every step of the way.

Social media demographics to inform your brand strategy in 2022 The post first appeared on Sprout Social.

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