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Uncovering the climate risks facing properties you own

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“When Hurricane Philomena brought the heaviest snowfall in 50 years to Madrid, Spain, the damage was worth almost $2 billion.”

The real estate of the commercial real estate industry, such as hotels, industrial buildings and offices, poses unique risk management problems. Commercial properties simply cannot be relocated to less volatile areas or disposed of quickly. Net Zero targets alone will not protect REITs against intensifying extreme weather events.

After reading this eBook you will:

  • Understand the opportunities and risks that our changing climate presents to the real estate sector.
  • Learn what steps your real estate business needs to take to become climate wise, strengthen asset resilience, and protect your bottom line.
  • Gain access to personalized climate intelligence that empowers you to make better-informed business decisions on new investments, insurance coverage and improving existing assets – backed by leading climate science.

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