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High-performing organizations three times more likely to offer flexibility

However, according to i4cp’s report Flexibility or Flight, high-performing organizations are three times more likely to offer employees the flexibility to choose where they work, the number of days they work in a given setting and work during the day. Hybrid strategies for attracting and retaining talent.

“Organizations unwilling to maximize and broaden the use of flexibility may face significantly higher rates of employee turnover as workers move to companies that offer flexible work arrangements… What workers want is true flexibility. – Ability to work when and where it suits them best,” as per the report.

I4cp says employers can also provide flexibility for in-office workers, and high-performing organizations are more than twice as likely to allow these workers to work for hours within a certain amount of time.

In October 2021, Amazon announced that it was allowing individual teams to decide how long employees would have to stay at the office and how often they could work from home, and KPMG was trying to identify that. is doing just how hard the pandemic is on workers this summer by providing them with seven long weekends.

Meanwhile, many employers are having trouble finding new talent, and while many have big plans to hire more people, the effects of staffing shortages are starting to play out on the bottom line, Randstad said. A new report from SourceRight found.

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