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How is this music CEO supporting Ukraine?

Genyk, whose grandparents fled Ukraine during World War II while his parents were children, still has family overseas and cousins ​​his age. Males between the ages of 18 and 60 are drawn to fight.

The war began a day after Evermore launched its first, and only, target-date ETF series to fill a gap in the market. Genyk notes that target date funds were only available to Canadians with group RRSP plans and pension or high-fee mutual funds. They decided to offer them to make retirement savings more accessible to Canadians.

“It was a tough week. I am not going to lie,” he said. “We just launched on Wednesday, which was very exciting. But, then, waking up on Thursday morning to the news that Russia had invaded was absolutely gruesome. I was supposed to have a bell ringing ceremony at Neo on Thursday morning, but I canceled it because I couldn’t bring myself to celebrate, and Neo was pretty good at accommodating. ,

Genyk, who has been actively involved in the Ukrainian Canadian community throughout his life, visited Ukraine before the pandemic, but he has long felt connected to this piece of his ancestry.

After his job working in derivatives at National Bank ended in 2016, he saved enough to take time off to pursue a writing dream before taking on his new position at BlackRock. He returned to school and wrote a play, then hired actors and musicians, and produced Breaking Bread: The Musical.

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