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Young Canadians want to invest in property but worry about costs

But young adults face challenges because they are already concerned about housing costs, according to a separate survey by the BMO. The banking group has also been expressing concerns about the impact of the housing market and rising rates.

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The Peerage Realty survey found that, across all age groups, the pandemic has deepened the emotional connection to the home.

Three quarters of respondents to a survey conducted earlier this month agreed that a home has become more important to them in the past two years.

Those who have moved home since March 2020 have a fresh start, control over their home, outdoor space, and a neighborhood that suits their lifestyle, all as higher priorities than the cost of maintaining a home. was cited in.

However, for those looking to climb the property ladder, a majority of respondents believe Canada has a huge shortage. Renters are most likely to say the same to people in British Columbia and Quebec.

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