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How can you spring-clean your business – and customers?

Rubach began by making sure her wish would make sense and that she was up-to-date. Then, she talked to her accountant to make sure she was aware of what was happening and what she wanted to achieve in the short, medium, and long term. Finally, he made sure his insurance – life, disability and critical illness – was in place.

Next, he reviews his succession plan to see that it is up to date. She checked her disability insurance to make sure it would still cover her business overhead, “because if I become disabled, I don’t want my personal money to fund my business. I don’t.” I wanted my team to suffer due to my disability, so I wanted the right life insurance to cover all the debts.”

Next, she scrutinized her accounts to make sure she only had what she needed in an institution and that her investments were optimized for the short, medium and long term as well. Finally, he reviewed his real estate plan to make sure he didn’t need any adjustments to it.

“When you do it, it’s a little poke in the eye with a spoon,” she said, before noting that clearing away some of the financial clutter that has accumulated over time frees up energy and space. Is.

But, again, he had the same conversations with his clients about whether they had their wills, insurance, succession plans, investments in place and up-to-date and only had the bank accounts they needed and actively Was used because many people have too many or forget the inactive ones.

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