Marketing Info

Why the advisory team model is gaining steam

Traditionally, a team is originated when a mentor decides they want to lead a group, and then begins talking with potential members in their local network or community. According to Ferrier, they will begin to loose relationships with a few advisors within the same firm, an initial list of less than 10 prospects—which is often not enough.

“They often talk to me in my role as head of national sales,” Ferrier says. “I would get questions like ‘Who should I talk to? Do you think there are some people who might be a good fit for my team?’ And I point them in the right direction.”

It is up to the consultants to negotiate and decide if they are a good match. He says going from zero to four members is a high-growth phase of team development; The road from four to eight becomes more uphill.

Sometimes, Ferrier says she also gets calls from independent consultants who are considering being a member of a team rather than a leader. Negotiations are in many ways similar to those with joining leaders, although those looking to join teams may ask more questions about what they will drop, and they What will you stand to achieve?

“I help them understand systems and processes, and what changes they can expect,” Ferrier says. “I also teach leaders how to be a leader, how they can provide value to their team and build the community I have experienced many times over.”

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