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Ten Wealth Management Professionals Who Were College Basketball Stars

With March Madness and the NCAA Tournament leading up to Sweet Sixteen, college basketball is now at the top of many people’s minds. But the tournament may bring special memories for some mentors and money management professionals who played college basketball themselves.

Take Joe McLean, founder of the family office Intersect Capital, who played in the NCAA Tournament for all four years of his college basketball career at the University of Arizona. Reflecting on this year’s tournament, McLean said that for a lot of players, it will be the last game they will ever play.

“You don’t really realize how great it is until years later,” McLean said. “It is the ultimate win-or-take-home. It is the culmination of everything that leads up to the tournament and your memories with your team will last forever.”

Here, we highlight some of the money management pros who played college basketball and some of the lessons they learned in business, in no particular order.

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