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George Milling-Stanley on building a ‘golden’ portfolio

Gold has long been considered a background commodity for most investors. Often used cleverly, gold is rarely used as a main or permanent asset class in portfolios. However, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sparked hedging interest again and, with the release of compelling research on gold’s power to reduce overall risk, investors and advisors are re-evaluating the metal’s role as a portfolio bulwark. .

In this opening episode, Brad Ziggler,’s Alternative Investments Editor welcomes George Milling-Stanley, Chief Gold Strategist at State Street Global Advisors, to discuss the factors affecting the value of gold.

Brad and George discuss:

  • What is contributing to the rise in prices and inflows into gold investments today.
  • What effect could Russia’s actions and the Federal Reserve’s policy have on the value of gold?
  • The role of gold as a major diversified asset in investors’ portfolios.

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