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World’s biggest investors say it’s time to rethink portfolios

A Similar Stock believes that investors need to completely re-think how they approach portfolio construction, such as promoting investments in private assets, by assessing whether climate change will change their portfolios. How that can affect the U.S., and investment managers should consider diversity and inclusion when hiring or evaluating.

Mike Perry, head of Nuveen’s Global Client Group, said, “With all the complexities and rapid changes now driving communities, economies and the environment, institutional investors urgently need a forward-looking approach and the flexibility to consider new approaches.” Is.”

Inflation and Geopolitical Risks

Six out of ten respondents said they are taking steps to mitigate inflation risks over the next 12 months.

This would include looking for alternative ways to expand its search for yields, given the less robust earnings from fixed income assets. Personal loan is part of this scheme.

“An environment of low, yet rising, interest rates and high inflation can make mid-market loans, infrastructure loans, real estate loans and other forms of personal credit particularly attractive,” Perry said.

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