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A steady commitment to partnership

“Credit unions do a lot to support Canadian families. By offering savings accounts, loans and other financial services, they support the everyday needs of many consumers,” Flores says. “For those credit unions that expand to include a wealth division, only then can a firm like us be involved.”

“When we decided to go carte, we were 110 percent behind it,” said Kim Leek, CEO of Rapport Credit Union. “We knew they not only had the technology, but they also had the mentoring support we were looking for.”

was an early adopter of map technology; Even before the pandemic, Flores says the firm had already implemented electronic signature and digital account transaction processes a year earlier. By opening up those kinds of capabilities to reports, the partnership has not only freed up valuable time for its advisors, but also opened up new ways for members to take control of their financial future.

“Our members now have the ability to actually transact and interact with their portfolios, which is vital in this digital world,” Leakes says. “We have people asking for a more digital experience, so it really took that frustration out.”

While it has a strong technical focus, Carte also makes sure not to lose sight of the human element. From training to administration and compliance, Flores says the firm draws on its depth of experience wherever possible to anticipate issues, and adjust to speed bumps along the way.

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