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Does the Mutual Fund Industry Need More Proficiency Course Options?

“I understand the appeal” [of considering just two options] Because MFDA has limited resources and a lot of other things,” he added. “But doing so is not in the best interest of the professional industry.”

Carte Wealth Management’s chief compliance officer, Maria Jose Flores, shares that view.

“For many consultants, the cost of a proficiency course is not that important. It can easily be a business expense,” says Flores. “But for someone who is new and doesn’t have a solid book of business, But even though it wants to get every qualification to serve its customers better, it may be a hindrance in the beginning.”

To help ease that burden, she says Carte allows mutual fund advisors who join its network to access LearnDaily’s educational platform at no cost, and its content already includes Contains ingredients on liquid options. Learnly’s proficiency courses, if approved, would be available to clients at no additional cost, or for as little as $40 compared to pre-accredited providers if purchased on their own – perhaps too cumbersome for the average consultant No, but it may add up when a dealer network is amplified in the enterprise.

“I understand that proficiency is a business imperative for course providers. But I think we should also think about the bigger picture, and reduce the cost of making this information available to mentors can benefit Canadian consumers across the country. Maybe,” says Flores. “Most Canadians are not high-net-worth clients, or are in the middle class. They may not even have $50,000 in investable assets to begin with, let alone $100,000. So who will serve them?”

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