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10 best jobs for 15 year olds to make money in high school

Is your 15 year old looking for a job?

Maybe they want some extra money to go out with friends or buy new clothes and the latest video games? Perhaps they’re a forward thinker looking to start saving for college or an aspiring go-getter who’s determined to build up their resume?

Alternatively, the idea of ​​finding a job could be yours! For example, you might want to teach them about the virtues of hard work or the rewarding nature of spending the money you’ve earned.

Whatever the case, you’ll be happy to know that jobs for 15-year-olds aren’t as uncommon as some people think! Search in the right places, and you’ll find tons of opportunities tailored to your teen’s interests, schedule, and skills.

In this article, we will share our pick of the best. Read on to discover ten first-class jobs that 15-year-olds can apply for today.

Major rules and regulations regarding teen jobs

Before diving into job ideas, it’s worth addressing the legalities surrounding the employment of young teens. Basically, as a minor, the number of jobs you can apply for is somewhat limited.

Why? Because of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

In the name of fair workplace practices, this important set of child labor laws and statutes sets strict limits on where, when, and for how long you can work. Here are some key tips to keep in mind with the FLSA:

The minimum employment age for non-agriculture posts is 14*

Work hours cannot overlap with school hours

You are not allowed to work before 7:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. (unless it’s June 1st until Labor Day when you can work until 9:00 p.m.)

  • The number of working hours on a school day cannot exceed 3 hours
  • You cannot work more than 18 hours per week when school is in session
  • You cannot work more than 40 hours per week outside the school period

The good news is that these rules around working hours no longer apply when you turn 16. If your teen gains a reputation for being a hard worker by age 15, he may get a long shift a year later.

However, depending on where you live in the United States, they may also require a work permit (or certificate of age) to obtain lawful employment. Consult your state’s Department of Labor or school guidance counselor to determine if you need it.

*No minimum age for jobs such as babysitting, acting, working for your parents’ business (assuming it involves neither construction work nor hazardous materials), or newspaper distribution Is.

How much do jobs for 15 year olds pay?

It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Like most things, it depends! Although you’re unlikely to get something like $20 an hour, some employers pay more than others, and some states have higher minimum wages than other parts of the country.

Still, the federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour as of March 2022, so it’s a reasonable base rate to expect. However, there is a caveat. The FLSA allows employers to pay $4.25 per hour to anyone under the age of 20 during the first 90 days of employment. Only after that point are they obliged to pay the minimum wage.

Where to find jobs for 15 year olds

Not all industries are created equal when offering jobs to 15-year-olds. In general, people worth pursuing fall into three different categories:

  • Grocery Stores, Retail Stores
  • Entertainment venues (eg, amusement parks and movie theaters)
  • Restaurants, food service industries and eateries (eg, ice cream parlors and fast food chains)

With these in mind, here’s a quick rundown of 15 specific companies with a reputation for hiring young teens. Consider taking these restaurant chains and looking at establishments in your area to see if they have any openings:

  1. AMC Theaters
  2. Baskin Robbins
  3. Boston Market
  4. chick-fil-a
  5. dairy Queen
  6. KFC
  7. kroger
  8. McDonald’s
  9. Palace Entertainment
  10. pizza Hut
  11. safe way
  12. Six Flags Theme Park
  13. Supervalu Pharmacy
  14. Taco Bell
  15. The Hershey Company

10 best jobs for 15 year olds

Any of the companies in our previous section would be a good first port of call for job-seeking teens. But they are not limited to the somewhat limited roles on offer out there! In fact, some of the best jobs for 15-year-olds have nothing to do with established brands and companies.

To demonstrate this point, we will now look at 10 high-quality alternatives if openings at regional/national chains do not feel appropriate.

1. Babysitter

Taking care of children is an excellent job for teens that can be engaging and rewarding. What’s more – getting started is usually straightforward. After all, dependable and dependable babysitters are always in high demand among busy parents!

Tell your friends, co-workers, and neighbors that your 15-year-old is available, and it shouldn’t take long for them to land their first gig.

Several factors can determine how much a babysitter can charge, such as the years of experience and the number of children they will see. They could have been paid anything from around $18 an hour.

2. Content Creator

The Internet has spawned many new and exciting career paths—many of which require neither experience nor official qualifications to participate.

A prime example of content creation. From blogs and vlogs to podcasts and graphic design, anyone can learn essential skills and leverage the Internet to generate income from them (either by selling their services or making affiliate sales and earning advertising revenue). creating a platform). If your 15-year-old shows interest in such endeavors it could be a tempting way to go down.

3.Car Washer

The thought of washing a car for a living may not make your teen’s heart sing, but it’s still a viable task to consider. Similar to babysitting, not only is it something you don’t need work experience or special qualifications to do, but your services should also be in great demand throughout the year.

and that’s not all. It can also be a great learning opportunity to encourage them to go from house to house, knocking on people’s houses to ask if the owner wants to wash their car. As a result, your 15-year-old will begin to build his confidence, be okay with rejection (an important life skill), and master the art of sales, to boot.

Also, note that this will also apply for related jobs, such as yard work.

4. Business Owner

Some people are born entrepreneurs. Others learn the ropes over time. Whatever category your child falls into, don’t make the mistake of thinking that business is only for adults. Once again, thanks to the Internet, getting up and running a successful operation has never been possible- no matter how old you are.

If your child has a business idea and a desire to pursue it, we encourage you to take it seriously. Just make sure they a) understand it ain’t easy and b) are willing to do the many things on this list to fund it!

5. Dog Walker

On the topic of businesses, what’s stopping your teen from setting up a dog walking operation in your neighborhood? They can knock on doors and post flyers through letterboxes offering care at a time convenient to people’s pets.

Of course, you’ll need to structure the dog walking schedule around school hours. But, assuming they need help in the evenings and weekends, you’ll soon have enough customers to generate a substantial monthly income.

6. Farm Helper

For high school students in rural parts of the country, farm owners often look for people to help with a variety of tasks. The specific role will vary depending on their needs, yet common examples include picking crops and supporting them in a community farmer’s market.

Maybe you’re bringing in the latest harvest, learning about the land, or working at a cashier selling fresh produce to the locals on any given day. If it’s the latter, you’ll also learn the valuable life skills of customer service and money management.

7. Golf Caddy

At first thought, meeting, greeting and carrying people’s golf clubs all day may not seem like a tempting proposition. However, you will be surprised!

This is very good work. Many golf clubs employ young crew members for assignments, giving them a unique opportunity to spend time outside, befriend the patrons they meet, and earn some money in the process.

Of course, this will be a customer-facing role, complete with all the challenges and lessons that can arise in such situations. You’ll learn the art of good customer service, as well as the myriad benefits of a positive, do-it-yourself attitude.

8. Cleaner

We can imagine the teenage eyeballs that roll over this, but hear us out! House cleaning is another straightforward task that will be relatively easy to find. It may also pay more than you expect (for example, $15 per hour, depending on the amount of cleaning required).

Whether you worked for a friend’s family, a neighbor, or a coworker, you might be sweeping and mopping floors, mopping carpets, cleaning living areas , washing the dishes, and helping the homeowner with whatever he needed to do. You can also offer a “premium” service, which can result in you bringing more of your cleaning products and appliance-charging.

9. Lifeguard

Lifeguarding is one of the best jobs for 15 year olds who want to take responsibility. Of course, you’ll need qualifications to do this, but a large number of local groups will hire you (and some will even arrange your training) once you check this box. From working on the beach to a community pool or water park, being a trained lifeguard opens up all kinds of opportunities.

It also looks great on your resume. It demonstrates commitment, good people skills, teamwork, awareness of health and safety procedures, willingness to take responsibility and calmness under pressure.

10.Family Business

Does your family own and run a business? If yes, then this could be the ideal job opportunity for your 15 year old. As we mentioned earlier, the normal FLSA rules on the number of hours they can work will not apply. This means they will be able to join the workforce to take longer shifts and (depending on what you pay them!) earn more money as a result.

Not only that, but the education would be immense. The teen in your life can gain experience at every level of business and understand the nuts and bolts of running a successful company. Likewise, getting them involved at this young age will set them up perfectly if you want them to take charge of one day.

Consider these jobs for 15 year olds

It’s hard to overestimate the benefits of getting a job in your teens. From creating a solid work ethic (and an even better summary) to earning extra money that fuels your financial independence, the list of incentives goes on and on.

Are you looking for jobs for 15 year olds in an effort to take advantage of these benefits? Well, we hope that the tips in this guide have helped.

Keep them in mind, ideas follow, and it shouldn’t take long for your teen to find a role that suits their needs, interests, and inclinations.

This post originally appeared on Savoteur.

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