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Couples are stronger by sharing financial resources, study shows

“We expected funding to increase the level of dependency on their partner,” explained co-author Emily Garbinsky, associate professor of marketing and management communication. “As well as align the couple’s (financial) interests and goals, the things that the interdependence theory tells us are associated with higher levels of relationship quality.”

That’s not bad news for couples whose relationships turn sour, as a recent TD survey found that the majority of divorced people said their financial situation was better or worse than when they were married.

better connection

In the international study ‘Pooling Finance and Relationship Satisfaction’, Garbinsky and colleagues found that couples with shared finances show better connections and more positive, stable and secure interactions.

The researchers’ analysis posted on financial forums found that these couples were also less likely to use pronouns such as ‘I’ in favor of ‘we’ and ‘our’.

“It is our hope that pooling is most likely to benefit from finance, and why,” Garbinsky said, adding that research in this area could help couples decide how to maximize the quality of the relationship with their finances. How to manage and ultimately improve their well-being—happening.”

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