Marketing Info

‘Many consultants were unwilling to work from home’

While Foley, who has offices in Oakville, Watertown and Pickering, Ontario, said that many other consultants and clients may be struggling with emotional or psychological issues during the lockdown, his business grew to $185 million, even as the That even after his partner, who joined. Just before the pandemic started, bought $60 million from him.

Foley said the pandemic has really made his work life easier.

“I used to drive to six or eight appointments every day. I was driving over 100,000 kms a year, but I think that has really changed for us,” she said, noting that she may now call more Zoom.

“I think banks were also losers in this market because people weren’t going to banks and spending any time there. I think that’s when people started asking other people, ‘Who’s your financial advisor? ‘, and I think there were more referrals than ever.

Foley believes in having a great contact management system and adequate staff, which she says many consultants do not do to reduce costs. She now has around 1,000 subscribers, which increases her referrals.

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