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Crypto asset adoption is on the rise among Canadian institutions

36% of investors hold crypto-related public equity; 29% have direct ownership of crypto assets. Another 29% invest in them through venture capital or hedge funds as a limited partner.

75 percent of institutional investors said they would participate in crypto assets between 2020 and 2021, although most of their investments were modest, with 71% devoting less than 2% of their portfolio to the asset class.

According to Geoff Rush, Partner and National Industry Leader for Financial Services, more financial services businesses will offer crypto asset services in 2022. “Nearly seven out of 10 financial services companies told us that they are considering offering crypto asset services, and 6 out of 10 told us. They range from analyzing opportunities and developing crypto asset strategies to crypto assets. Going to build products and services and connect customers, so it’s a remarkable change.”

Among the financial services firms surveyed, 39% said that they provide crypto asset services. Within that group, 42% offered money management or financial advice in the space; 33% are offering custody, clearing or settlement services; 22% are issuing ETFs or regulated products; And 11% provide liquidity for products regulated as market makers.

Based on a supplemental survey of more than 1,000 Canadians by KPMG, 13% of respondents have directly purchased cryptocurrency assets such as bitcoin or ethereum (17% men versus 8% women), while 11% have purchased bitcoin ETFs or other cryptocurrency asset funds. ( 14% of men vs. 8% of women).

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