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Many employees miss coworkers, work-life separation

physical concern

However, a third (33 percent) of actual workplaces are concerned about the increased time and cost of commuting. It is much more common in Millennials (59%) than Gen X workers (31%) and Baby Boomers (30%). Women (43 percent) are also more concerned about this than men (25 percent).

Also, 26 per cent of office workers are still concerned about being exposed to COVID-19. Millennials (35 per cent) and women (30 per cent) also expressed more concern about it than their counterparts (19 per cent of Gen X, 31 per cent of Baby Boomers and 21 per cent of men).

Meanwhile, more than 70 percent of IT sector employees will quit their jobs if their employer forces them to go back to the office, according to another survey.

And many hybrid workers share the same concerns as remote and on-site workers: 41 percent are concerned with blurred work-life boundaries; 39% are concerned about limited relationships with coworkers; And 31 percent are concerned with the increased time and cost of switching.

“Instead of assuming that a return to office will be a panacea, leaders can be proactive in helping to set and maintain more definite work boundaries in this new world of work,” says Ray.

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