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‘Transition is all about consistency and speed’, says Mackenzie’s new leader

“This is what consultants can expect from us as they keep going,” he said, “ensuring that we are truly meeting the relevant needs of Canadians.”

Gold noted that Mackenzie has been named one of the top 100 most sustainable companies out of 7000 publicly traded companies in the world for the third time. It is also ranked the number one firm in North American financial services.

“These are things that we are very proud of, and we think it benefits us a lot,” he said. “These are really cultural or foundational things that we have. So, in playing this role, I think I am blessed with this foundation and a huge advantage to remain relevant in the marketplace and continue to grow our share in the marketplace. Am.

“I love this company. I love the talent in it, and we look forward to the future,” said Gould. “For e-financial advisors, we want to earn their trust and earn their partnership, And we’re very excited to do so. We’re very excited about the future of financial planning as a profession, so Mackenzie is going to be here to support that profession as much as possible.”

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