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Healthy Counselor: Avoiding Physical, Mental Abuse

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Our experiences in childhood can have a major impact on the way we live our lives into adulthood. But after meeting Mark Nichols, you would never have guessed the trauma he experienced growing up, which he describes as “incontrovertible.”

In this episode, Diana Britton joins Nichols, Arbor Digital’s Director of Product, who opens up about being subjected to sexual and mental abuse by people she was supposed to see and believe. For much of his childhood, he lived in an all-female household, so he has struggled with traditional definitions of masculinity in an industry that is still male dominated.

Yet he emerged a strong figure from those experiences, and also became somewhat of an advocate for mental health and healing in the financial services industry.

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Mark with his twin sister Monica

Mark discusses:

  • It was like growing up with divorced parents who had little money
  • tea the physical and emotional trauma he suffered
  • How his relationship with his twin sister shaped him
  • Gender Expectations in Financial Services
  • their path to healing
  • importance of medicine
  • even more

Reference has been made to mental abuse, physical abuse and sexual harassment in this episode. If you or someone you know is facing a similar situation, please contact your local resource or click here for more informational resources.

If you have a struggle and want to share your experiences and help others in similar situations, please contact Diana [email protected],

Available on the Healthy Advisor podcast Apple Podcasts, Android, sewing machine, Spotify And wherever podcasts are found.

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