Marketing Info

Five Tips for Choosing the Right Portfolio Manager

  1. Choose someone knowledgeable, analytical and decisive:

Portfolio managers do a lot of research, do scenario analysis, and plan for a range of outcomes to get an idea of ​​what risks may be associated with your investments. Therefore, you want someone who knows the market and is good at all those components, but is also aware of all the different risks involved, and can see how events can affect market movements. so that he or she knows that they are giving you the best recommendation for you, and why, what is happening in the world at the moment.

  1. Choose the person with the best performance:

Each firm and portfolio manager is different, with different histories, investment philosophies, styles, profiles and fees, which may vary according to the size of your investment portfolio. They can manage money in different ways and offer a wide range of products. Some also specialize in different types of clients. Therefore, find out what you want to achieve with your goals and choose the right portfolio manager or firm to ensure they are registered and aligned with your individual needs.

  1. Choose someone who communicates well with you and is transparent:

Portfolio managers spend a lot of time working with complex data, but if you’re working with them directly, they should be able to communicate their analysis and recommendations to you in a clear and transparent manner that makes sense to you. Comes. They also need to be prepared to communicate with you regularly – whether by phone, in person or in writing so that you can stay informed of what is happening and how it is affecting your investments. Is.

They also need to be transparent with you, so they don’t confuse you by using complicated words or professional jargon. You should be able to understand what your portfolio manager is telling you, the advantages and disadvantages of each option, and how you will benefit from following his recommendation. It’s up to you to ask if you have questions, but it’s also important that the portfolio manager can give you the answers you need to address your concerns before and during your investment.

  1. Choose a Trustworthy Person:

Most portfolio managers are chartered financial analysts, and many are members of the Portfolio Management Association of Canada. They should also be trustworthy – and leave you with a feeling that you can trust them with your money and financial goals. This is a personal call, so only work with people you think are honest and professional. To make sure you’re giving your money to someone reputable, it’s important to check the background, occupation, and credentials of a portfolio manager, who will help you understand what they’re going to do with your portfolio. and will help you reach your financial goals.

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