Business Ideas

Innovation and Startups: Employee Savings: Presentation of the Concept

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Establishing collective savings in your structure allows you to connect your employees to company results and success. But how does such a device work? Also, does this apply to your employees on a mandatory basis or not? Find answers to many of your questions in this article.

Employee Savings: Presentation of the Concept

Many companies set up collective savings systems. This type of savings is known as “employee savings.” Two large groups of instruments make it up.

The first group is made up of plans that allow employees to increase savings. Participation, profit-sharing and voluntary payments by the employee or company are some of these mechanisms.

The second group, for its part, is made up of tools that can be used to support this savings. These include Group Retirement Savings Scheme (PERCO), Company Savings Scheme (PEE) and Inter-Company Savings Scheme (PEI).

How to Allow Your Employees to Build Employee Savings?

The two plans allow your employees to build up employee savings. There is profit-sharing on the one hand and participation on the other.

Incentive is the amount you give to your employees. It takes into account the performance of the company or its results. Of course all companies can install this system, but its implementation remains optional. To learn more about setting up incentive bonuses, check out our blog post on the topic.

Participation is another employee savings plan. This involves redistributing part of your profits to employees. Its implementation is mandatory in any company with more than 50 employees.

How to get money from employee savings?

Collection of paid money through partnership or profit-sharing can be done in two ways. Employees can get this money through direct payment to their current account or through ‘PERCO, PEE, PEI’ investment.

If you choose to pay the bonus in one of the investments mentioned above, the funds intended for employees will be blocked for a period of at least five years. Only after this time can the funds be transferred to a Time Savings Account (CEI).

Except in exceptional cases, employee savings plans are established through an agreement. he drink

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