Beginner Guide

How Sprout Social Salesforce Integration Strengthens Your Team

Have you test-driven the Sprout Social Salesforce integration yet?

If not, you totally should!

This is why more and more companies are linking their CRM to social media management tools like Sprout.

Social media and customer relationships go hand in hand. Want to accelerate internal comms and uncover valuable customer insights at the same time? Our Salesforce integration will integrate with your social, sales . empowers And Support teams equally. It’s a win-win-win!

In this guide, we’ll explain exactly how the Sprout Social Salesforce integration works. We’ll also shed light on how the integration streamlines tasks throughout your business.

Why do you need to integrate your CRM with Social Media ASAP?

The importance of social media integration with your business’s tech tools cannot be underestimated.

And your CRM platform should be a top priority.

This is especially true because customers rely on social media as a research tool, support channel. And A place to raise your voice about brands.

Given the top challenges B2B marketers face, the growing need for social media CRM integration is evident. These challenges include:

  • Engaging Buyers at the Right Time This is the Right Channel (57%)
  • Providing relevant content to the sales team to engage target buyers (23%)
  • Dealing with internal data silos and inefficiencies (17%)

Good News? Sprout Social Salesforce integration addresses all of the above.

Before we get into the finer points, let’s look at some of the key aspects of linking your CRM to your social presence.

Monitor make-or-break moments in the buyer’s journey

CRMs help businesses guide leads and customers on their path to purchase.

And social media is where so many important moments happen during that journey.

This is equally true for B2B and B2C. Let’s assume that the typical B2B buyer journey is about eight months. Social interaction is a given for people doing their homework on a product, isn’t it?

Meanwhile, recent research by TikTok describes consumer behavior in B2C as an “infinite loop”. The modern way of buying is far from linear when people are bouncing between so many channels.

As customers bounce between platform and content, social media serves as a place to create valuable touchpoints along the way. This includes answering questions and publishing educational materials to nurture leads.

The same rules apply to existing customers. Data from the 2021 Sprout Social Index™ shows that the majority of people following a brand on social media intend to buy from them (either buy again).

Earn (and track) more social sales

The growth of social sales speaks for itself.

Do activities like customer care and content marketing make a big difference in closing and retaining leads? Of course.

Still, they are difficult to track without a CRM.

With the integration between Sprout Social and Salesforce, it’s so easy to attribute sales from social. The ability to quickly respond to questions and handoff matters between social, sales and support also makes it easy to respond to people quickly.

Gather meaningful customer insights you might otherwise miss

The more information you have about your customers, the better.

Consolidating touchpoints between social media and your CRM gives you a more in-depth understanding of your audience.

Fact: 90% of marketers say that social data enables them to differentiate their brand in the market and stand out from their peers. Also, consider how many people use social media to raise their voices about brands.

These conversations and activities provide insights for sales and support, including:

  • sale objection
  • Pain points and challenges
  • wants and needs
  • Competitive Advantages (and Disadvantages)

With all of the above, your team can approach leads and customers with a much needed sense of confidence.

How does Salesforce integrate with Sprout Social?

Here’s a quick snapshot of the Sprout Social Salesforce integration and what you can do with it:

  • Create Salesforce contacts, leads and cases directly in Sprout. This means you can route social customers to support and sales without having to bounce between platforms.
  • Paint a complete picture of your CRM contacts with information and interactions via social media.
  • Connect your social presence to real business results with analytics and reporting.
Sprout Social Salesforce Integration Link Contacts
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As an added bonus, our Salesforce integration is available on all Sprout plans. Features and requirements below:

  • Requirements: salesforce account
  • data types: message, contact, ticket
  • Main Functionality: Create Leads, Edit Contact Information, Create Cases, Edit Cases, Auto-sync

What entities are available with Sprout Social Salesforce integration?

Below is an analysis of all the entities that can be created and edited directly in Sprout:

  • Lead. Begin the sales process by identifying potential customers through questions, comments, and other social media interactions.
  • case Let’s say a customer expresses concern or raises an issue on social. With our integration, you can refer them to your support team without leaving the platform.
  • Contact. Beyond customers, you can keep track of social interactions with company partners such as contacts.

To know more, check out this detailed analysis.

4 Key Benefits of Using Sprout Social Salesforce Integration

To wrap things up, let’s look at some of the specific benefits of using Salesforce social media integrations like Sprouts.

1. Provide Better Customer Service

According to the 2022 Sprout Social Index™, there are two specific things brands can do to earn consumer trust in a competitor:

  1. Respond to questions and concerns in a timely manner
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of customer needs

And hey, our Salesforce integration can help you in both departments.

Again, entering social activity means a more comprehensive understanding of your customers’ wants and needs. Not having to bounce between your CRM and social tools is a huge time saver. In return, you speed up your reaction time.

Sprout Social Salesforce Integration Case Creation
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Final result? Responding rapidly to customers and offering better solutions to meet their needs. Doing so is a recipe for long-term loyalty and retention.

2. Align Your Marketing, Sales and Support Teams

Consider that 36% of marketers say they struggle with cross-team collaboration.

When marketing, sales and support are aligned, each team is empowered to do their best work. There’s a lot of room for error if you only log your customers’ social interactions sometimes,

Think about it. If marketing or sales omit key customer details in your CRM, your support team is left in the dark. Marketing, on the other hand, needs to be aware of concerns about sales and objections and wants of customers in order to communicate better.

Here are some specific ways Sprout’s Salesforce integration can help:

  • Save time by eliminating unnecessary back-and-forth between vendors, managers and social managers
  • Route cases fast to avoid bouncing between tools
  • Provide each team with the context they need to serve your customers
Create a Salesforce Contact in Sprout Social
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3. Increase the Value Behind Your Marketing Materials

Again, learning what makes customers bounce or stick around is invaluable to marketers.

Tracking these touchpoints can give you the answers you need to create more impactful content. It also includes:

  • blog posts
  • Social posts (think: how-tos, tutorials, and content you share to nurture customers)
  • Reports, White Papers and Other Lead Magnets
  • webinar

Oh, and not to mention making your overall marketing message more meaningful.

For example, marketers may find that the high price point is the most common sales objection among lost leads. This information encourages the marketing side to redefine their message and how they speak to their audience.

4. More Meaningful Attribution Through Analytics

Perhaps most importantly, the social integration with your CRM highlights the ROI of your team’s efforts.

This is an ongoing struggle especially for marketers. Although social media is essential for businesses, it can be difficult for businesses to determine its commercial impact.

This is where Sprout comes in. Through our marketing and analytics features, brands can see how social engagement matches up with dollars and cents. Proving how these interactions contribute to revenue reinforces social value for stakeholders.

Sprout Social Salesforce Integration Attribution
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Food for thought: Sales strategy is the number one use case for social data, especially as social has a greater impact on the bottom line. However, only 65% ​​of marketers use social data for their sales strategy.

It speaks volumes about the importance of integrating social with your tech stack and how many businesses still have something to do.

Ready to try out Sprout Social Salesforce integration?

From customer insights to better service, the benefits of linking your social presence to your CRM are clear.

Thankfully, with Sprout Social Salesforce integration up and running can be done sooner rather than later. Our platform makes it easy to strengthen your tech stack and bring your team closer together.

If you haven’t already, we invite you to try out the Salesforce features for yourself. Oh, and don’t forget to take a look at our other business integrations to see how else Sprout can level up your company.

How Sprout Social Salesforce Integration Strengthens Your Team This post first appeared on Sprout Social.

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