Beginner Guide

Customer service and evolving social landscape

Social media is a conversation starter. Whether users are reconnecting with old friends, manufacturers interacting with their audiences, or consumers getting in touch with brands, social is the connective tissue facilitating those conversations. And is there a better global conversation platform than Twitter?

Sprout Social teamed up with Twitter to share data-driven insights and advice on how brands can leverage Twitter to better care for their customers. This guide includes:

  • A Pulse Check on the Current Social Customer Service Scenario
  • Exclusive data on how consumers and Twitter users like to interact with brands
  • Data-Backed Building Blocks for a Successful Social Customer Service Strategy
  • Actionable customer service advice – as your brand matures – to walk the ground

Your customers want to talk to you. Take the first step in starting a conversation and download this data-packed guide to fuel your strategy.

The post Customer Service and the Evolving Social Landscape first appeared on Sprout Social.

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