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How to Verify on TikTok: 6 Tips and Tricks

It’s important for your brand to prove credibility at every opportunity – and on social media, which often means getting verified. Verification comes with a small blue checkmark in your name, a distinction that is the same across all social media platforms.

If you are running your own branded TikTok account and you are wondering how to get that little blue checkmark, then you are in the right place. We have six tried-and-true tips for getting verified on TikTok.

let’s get started.

What is TikTok Verification?

TikTok verification is a process that verifies identity and lets users know that these accounts belong to whom they say they belong. Essentially, this lets the platform know that you or your brand is a prominent, well-known name, and requires you to authenticate your account in order to keep copying followers.

Many celebrities and well-known influencers work to be verified, but it’s a good idea for brands as well. We can see Duolingo’s blue checkmark indicating their own verification below:

Screenshot of Duolingo's verified TikTok account
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There is no verification request process. You cannot submit your brand for approval like you can on other platforms. Instead, TikTok looks at their accounts to see if any meet their standards for verification and provides blue checks on them.

This makes the verification process for TikTok less simple—but even more exciting when it finally happens!

Why is TikTok verification important?

So why is TikTok verification such a big deal? Let’s look at some of the reasons why TikTok verification is important for your brand.


Being verified helps demonstrate the authority of your brand. As the blue checkmark has become a staple for verified brands across social networks, consumers have begun to associate it with authoritative and trusted brands. If your competitor is verified, but you are not, consumers are more likely to follow, listen, engage, and purchase a verified brand.

authenticity and credibility

Similarly, when consumers see that blue check, they automatically become aware of the authenticity of your brand. Getting verified isn’t easy (as you’ll see below), which means any brand with a verification status can be trusted immediately.


Also, validation can help with development. Although unconfirmed, there is a rumor that verified accounts get priority on TikTok’s “For You” page, meaning your brand will be exposed to even more people once they are verified. This increases reach and helps your account grow faster.


As we mentioned earlier, your brand credibility is important on TikTok. A verification from TikTok tells your audience that your brand is legit. If your brand is not verified – your audience may be unable to unlink your brand account from any other TikTok account.

how to verify on tiktok

Now you understand why being verified is so important. Next, let’s talk about the steps you can take to verify your account so that you get that coveted blue check mark.

1. Focus on Content Creation

The first thing you need to do is to create content consistently. No one gets verified on the first day—you have to prove you’re worthy. So prepare a Tiktok content strategy and start creating tons of content on a regular basis.

Another reason why consistent content creation is so important is that TikTok wants to see consistent follower growth as well. In fact, some sources say that to be verified, you need to generate anywhere from 500-2,000 new followers per day. Though it sounds daunting, TikTok has over 1 billion monthly active users, so you shouldn’t have much trouble.

Start building TikTok daily and focus on the ones that get the most engagement. Creating more videos like this will probably be your best bet especially when it comes to our next point.

2. Create Viral Videos

If you want to get verified on Tiktok then it helps to go viral. Going viral on TikTok means creating a video that appears on the “For You” page of many users, garnering hundreds of thousands of likes and views. This not only helps your account grow but also tells TikTok that you are creating great content that users love.

Most accounts usually have at least one viral moment before the verification status is reached. Focus on creating content that gets a lot of likes and consider participating in popular trends and challenges as a way to increase your chances for viral videos.

There is no particular way to go viral. For the most part, it’s about getting lucky or picking out the right ingredients at the right time. If you keep up with quality content, you should be getting your own viral video in no time.

3. Get verified on other social media platforms

TikTok wants to make sure it is smart about its verification process, so they will often look at users’ other social media profiles to see if they are already verified there. This means that you want to start the verification process on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter before moving on to TikTok.

If you are already verified on any/all of your other platforms, then you have a better chance of getting the same status as you are given by Tiktok. So check out our guide on how to get verified on other social media platforms (linked above) so you can prove your authority and authenticity on all of your accounts.

4. Get Media Coverage

TikTok also considers whether you have been featured in media coverage. Displaying your TikTok account in an online publication is a surefire way to let the platform know that your account is eligible for verification.

So, how do you get media coverage? It all goes back to our first tip: Focus on content creation. While at times you may submit a few TikTok videos to be included in the roundup, the majority of media coverage comes organically.

Create great content. Be active on the platform. Media coverage will come.

5. Work with Influential People

If you are impatient and your TikTok account is not growing as fast as you expected, you can consider working with influencers. This will help expose your brand to even more users, potentially leading to new followers and better engagement.

TikTok influencers love to work with brands, and this strategy can be a great way to reach more potential customers as well as grow faster.

Start browsing TikTok to find influencers who look similar to your target demographic, or post content that appeals to your target audience. For example, a brand that sells children’s toys will look for influencers who talk about becoming a mom on a regular basis.

Then, compile a list and start contacting them about partnerships. Many creators will include their email address (or that of their PR person) so that brands can easily start a conversation about sponsored videos. Work with influencers to create a video that will attract their audience, helping you grow your account and reach new customers.

6. Follow TikTok’s Community Guidelines

Our last tip is simple: Follow the rules. If you’re constantly deleting videos for violating community guidelines, your chances of reaching verification status are slim. So make sure you are aware of what type of content you are and what you are not allowed to post and that you follow those rules.

tiktok verification FAQ

How many followers do you need to get verified on TikTok?

There is no exact number, but sources say that TikTok wants to see 500 to 2000 new followers per day.

How do you get verified on Tiktok without followers?

It will be hard – but still possible. Try and get media coverage for your brand or get verified on other platforms first.

How many views do you need to get verified on TikTok?

There is no set amount of time you have to be seen to be verified.

Is it possible for a brand to request verification from TikTok?

There is no formal verification request process. You cannot submit your brand for approval like you can on other platforms.

Can a brand buy a verification badge from TikTok?

Your brand cannot buy verification badges from TikTok.

get verified on tiktok and go viral

Want to increase your reach on TikTok? Start by implementing these six tips to speed up your path to validation. To learn even more, check out our ultimate guide on TikTok for business. Find new ways to reach your audience, increase your reach, and go viral.

How to Verify Posts on Tiktok: 6 Tips and Tricks First surfaced on Sprout Social.

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