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10 YouTube tools to help you grow your audience faster

Looking for YouTube Tools? Good! Because as the platform continues to boom, brands can use all the help they can get to gain more audiences.

But despite how competitive YouTube is, there’s a lot to be said for it.

According to the most recent Sprout Social Index, 51% of consumers plan to increase their activity on the platform this year…

But only 35% of brands say they are going to meet them there. translate? people are Even then There’s a lot of opportunities for brands to stick to YouTube.

So now is the time to increase your YouTube presence. We break down a variety of YouTube tools that can help you do just that.

YouTube editing tools

Given the popularity of TikTok and Reels, brands are eager to squeeze as much as they can from their video content.

For brands already creating social videos, publishing on YouTube is a no-brainer. On the other hand, brands that are already publishing on YouTube should consider reusing content for social media.

Below are some YouTube editing tools that make it easy to put together content that sticks to different social media video specs.

1. InVideo

InVideo’s platform is packed with YouTube-specific features. It includes a dedicated intro-maker with tons of pre-built templates and transitions. With stock footage and font libraries at your disposal, you can customize videos to your exact specifications., The platform also allows you to create unique brand kits that are perfect for business accounts.

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VEED’s editing platform emphasizes transcription and subtitles for both YouTube and social videos.

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Subtitles help you to reach the audience clearly watching without sound. According to InVideo: 85% of all Facebook videos are watched on mute.

But more importantly, discreet subtitles make your content more inclusive.

Basic video captioning often leaves a lot to be desired. Beyond caption features, VEED offers in-app video editing with no downloads. VEED’s platform also includes branded kits and compression in various video formats. This means that you do not lose quality while converting your videos and publishing them on the platform.

YouTube thumbnails and graphics tools

make your videos pop Doesn’t happen by accident.

And according to YouTube itself, 90% of the top performing videos have a custom thumbnail.

The presentation of your YouTube videos is arguably just as important as the actual content you are publishing. This is especially true if your goal is to get more YouTube subscribers.

From your channel layout to thumbnails and logo, let’s take a look at some YouTube tools for creative elements of your profile,

3. Canva

You may already be familiar with Canva for creating drag-and-drop social graphics. The platform offers fully customizable templates for both YouTube channel art and thumbnails.

canva youtube thumbnail editor
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Since Canva delivers all of Your assets, you can save and rearrange your past creatives so that your branding stays consistent from video to video,

4. Visme

Visme’s editing options are largely similar to Canva’s. That said, if your Canva graphics are starting to feel a little “similar,” Visme offers different fonts and creative touches. The platform has several collaborative tools to empower teams to work together on designs.

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YouTube Analysis and Benchmarking Tools

As mentioned earlier, the competition on YouTube right now is absolutely fierce.

Sustainable development means understanding how your content is performing. This means assessing what is working and what is not. Similarly, brands should also keep a close watch on the development of their competitors.

While there are native YouTube tools for analytics, the tools below provide an extra layer of competitive analysis.

5. Social Blade

Social Blade is a simple tool that provides a high-level understanding of the development of any YouTube account,

The app can give you a clue as to how frequently a channel is posting or whether they have recently gained or lost subscribers. You can then compare your account with a competitor’s to see which one is growing the fastest. either Whose recent videos are catching on,

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6. HyperAuditor

Primarily an influencer marketing platform, HypeAuditor offers robust YouTube analysis that focuses on creator accounts. For example, HypeAuditor can detect follower spikes, comment activity, and engagement rates for brand influencers.

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The platform can break down content topics, audience sizes, and demographics for any given account. The app can also confirm if a YouTube account has increased its following commotion,

7. Measurement Studio

Measure Studio is a YouTube analytics tool with features that delve deeper into content performance, The platform collects account data to identify top-performing content and optimization opportunities. If you’re not sure which videos are driving the most direct engagement, Measurement Studio can tell you. Instantly,

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Another notable feature of the platform is the ability to store time analysis data from the initial 72 hours after the video went live. This allows brands to optimize their content for maximum engagement sooner rather than later.

YouTube Keyword Tool for SEO

It’s no secret that videos dominate Google searches right now.

Check out just about any “how-to” phrase to see for yourself. The link between YouTube content and SEO is undeniable.

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In addition, YouTube SEO requires its own set of strategies and tips to maximize the visibility of your videos. Thankfully, there are plenty of low-hanging opportunities to bring your videos to the good qualities of the YouTube algorithm. Below are two tools that can help.

8. Ahrefs YouTube Keyword Tool

Stuck on a title or keyword to feature in your latest video? Ahrefs’ free keyword tool is a solid starting point for researching and searching for phrases to include in your content, This includes your title, description and tags.

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If nothing else, this tool can help with brainstorming potential video ideas. This is useful when you’re second guessing a video topic or keyphrase and want to confirm the actual search volume around it.

9. Tubix

Tubics is a powerful YouTube SEO tool that goes beyond keyword research and thought. The platform suggests video structure and formatting for any topic based on top content, Tubix can also generate scripts, outlines and talking points to cover in videos.


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The platform also highlights opportunities to optimize your existing content for more views. Tubics will recommend improvements, tags and descriptions for videos that may perform poorly. Given the legwork required to produce video content, these quick fixes can help you see greater ROI for your efforts.

All-in-One YouTube Tool

Chances are YouTube isn’t the only network on your radar.

That’s why brands should adopt all-in-one platforms that align their YouTube presence with social media, Doing so saves time and also prevents you from being bounced between multiple social media tools.

10. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is the ideal tool for brands looking to grow their YouTube and social presence simultaneously.

The publication and analysis together create a more holistic understanding of your marketing efforts.

For example, Sprout can highlight notable tags, keyword searches, and audience sentiment. It highlights how people find your content And How do they feel about it. by doing this Helps you spot big YouTube trends And New content ideas that your audience will love.


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The ability to manage your social video assets and schedule them all in one place is also a game-changer. Want to cross-post between YouTube and Facebook? Want to publish your social updates and YouTube content on one platform? Ankur can do both.

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Plus, Sprout’s analytics features make it easy to understand your top-performing content. This is a shining example of how to use YouTube tools to identify which types of videos to prioritize as your viewership grows.

YouTube Analytics: Sprout
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Which YouTube tools are you using to build your presence?

Growing up on YouTube is no small feat. This is especially true if you are trying to build a brand account from the start.

That said, having the right YouTube tools at your disposal can be a big help. From more creative editing to comprehensive analysis, there are plenty of opportunities to customize your existing presence. Hopefully, the tools and tips above can guide you on how to do this.

If you still feel stuck about your strategy, don’t try it. If you haven’t already, check out our comprehensive guide to YouTube marketing to get yourself on the right track.

The post 10 YouTube tools to help you grow your audience faster appeared first on Sprout Social.

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